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If a Girl Wax Her Upper Lip Will It Grow Back Thicker

I thought the date went well – but I was so wrong.

We had Italian food and a lot of laughs. I thought maybe James was boyfriend material and I thought he liked me too.

The text he sent said it all: "Sorry. You're a nice girl and all, but I don't date women with mustaches."

A mustache?! How could I have facial hair when I shaved that same morning?

I went in the mirror and checked. Sure enough, there were tiny black dots that were like the beginning of 5 o'clock shadow.

Probably no one has ever been as embarrassed as I was at that moment unless they've also had a guy they like tell them they have a mustache.

I've always been a bit of a hairy lady, but this experience was worse even then the time in middle school when a popular girl made fun of me for my hairy legs.

Could this be the reason all my dates had been rejecting me for months? Facial hair I didn't think was that bad?

Then my old crush from high school hit me up on Facebook. He told me he was going to be in town and was wondering if we could meet to catch up.

He was a doctor, and he was single!

There was no way I was going to blow this opportunity.

So I tried everything. I already knew that normal shaving didn't really work to make my face feeling smooth enough or make me legs look nice, so I decided I would have to try different solutions.

First I tried waxing and went to a professional waxer but I had to make the waxer stop after just a few strips were removed – I've got a low pain tolerance and it simply hurt too much. I was crying in pain.

Besides, waxing wasn't a full solution anyway – they had warned me that the skin of my face was too delicate and dangerous to wax – plus, worst of all, between waxing I would have to let my hair grow out.

Hoping I could be done with the chore of hair removal once and for all, So I looked laser hair removal. But if you have ever looked into laser hair removal you already know it's only worth it if you are RICH. Like way richer than I am at least. It can cost 1000's of dollars to even get just your armpit hair totally removed and here's the thing: IT'S NOT EVEN PERMANENT!

No matter how much I wanted my hair gone, I couldn't afford to be spending $1000's to get my hair removed only have to spend more money every year to maintain it. (Not to mention laser is apparently really time consuming too!)

Nothing worked. Either it was too expensive, painful, time-consuming, or useless.

I was just about to give up and cancel my date when my grandma visited from Florida.

Right away, I noticed her legs. They looked as smooth and hairless as a diamond, which was weird because my grandma was who I got my hairiness gene from!

"How did you get your legs so smooth?" I asked.

"Oh my!" Grammy exclaimed, "Sorry, I meant to tell you before, you need to try Epiflex!"

"It's this new device that they're not really advertising yet. It removes your hair from the root so your skin stays hair-free for like 2 months. I haven't actually shaven in weeks!"

My grandma insisted I rub her leg. I did and felt it was totally smooth. Next, she showed me where I could order a Epiflex online, and insisted I order it right away. It only cost as much as a nice razor so I figured, what do I have to lose?

Reading more about it, I found out the Epiflex removes hair as short as a grain of sand from the root, and because of that it takes longer for hair to regenerate. It actually works similar to laser hair removal only it is mechanical.

The results are amazing. It is faster and more effective than shaving. The first time I used it I did feel a little bit of discomfort as the hair was removed, but each time after that is has actually, weirdly, felt kinda refreshing. And it seems like less hair is growing back. Like each time I use it, it feels good because it makes me feel very clean.

It is rechargeable and it works both on wet and dry legs too (and armpits and chins!) so I can use it whenever, though it is recommended to use it after getting out of a hot shower or bath so that your pores are opened up.

With Epiflex by the time my highschool crush visited town, I felt confident that I wouldn't be embarrassed about my hairy legs or chin or armpits – or even you know what!

And I was right. John even complimented me – he was amazed at how smooth my skin was!

That's because not only does the Epiflex remove hair, it also gently exfoliates skin at the same time. It's truly like a day at the spa.

He lives 2 hours away, but now we're in a relationship and I couldn't be happier.

But I haven't stopped using Epiflex just because I got a boyfriend.

Once, I brought my Epiflex camping with us, because of course after years of being "the hairy girl" I was still paranoid about my hair sprouting out and making John mistaking me for a hairy big foot in the woods, but I didn't have to pull it out once!

Epiflex is wonderful and I recommend it to anyone who wants to have the closest, most professional shave of your life without the cost or pain of wax or laser and the convenience of removing hair anytime you want.

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As of  * – due to popular demand, Epiflex has been in and out of stock. We recommend you buy as soon as possible because this offer can be removed at any moment

Click Here to Get 50% Off Your Epiflex Today

NOTE: This product isNOT available on Amazon or eBay.

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If a Girl Wax Her Upper Lip Will It Grow Back Thicker


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