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Leap of Faith We ll Continue Moving Forward Gurren Lagann

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Moving Forward in Faith

Moving forward can be the scariest part of finding and focusing on your passion. You can do all the work to discover it, even uncover your strengths, and recognize the obstacles that get in your way. But often, even when we logically know all that and we feel the Holy Spirit within us, the thought of moving forward paralyzes us.

Image of road with arrow pointing forward. Has title text overlay

Have you been there before?

I remember the defining moment in detail when I first recognized Christ in me. The Holy Spirit moved through me, and I knew was being called to something. I just didn't know what.

That's when I began putting together the worksheets I created to help me find the things I was passionate about (you'll find links to them at the bottom of this post). Once I began my blog, I knew I wanted to share the worksheets for others who'd felt the way I had, lost in my faith, insecure about who I was, unsure of what I was supposed to do.

I followed those worksheets to a 'T', and they helped me uncover a path of purpose perfect for me. There's a reason, though, that this 'Moving Forward' post was published almost two years after the other three posts in this series. The thought of it paralyzed me, too.

As I look back now over those years, I realize I had been been moving forward all along. Sometimes, it was just so slow I didn't recognize it for what it was. I can see now that I had to take those tiny steps so that I could not only logically know my passion and purpose but actually live it, too.

These are the things to remember to take when you're ready to move forward:

Pray regularly – Always start with prayer. It opens us up to the Lord and helps us recognize His presence within us.

Be prepared to take very small steps – there will be big moments when we know what God is telling us to do, but usually things will go slowly. We pray and listen. Sometimes, we may not hear Him correctly, but when we're striving to move forward how we believe He leads us then we're living our purpose in Him.

Be willing to say yes and try – God likes to lead us in unexpected areas, but trust that if He does, He will have prepared you for them.
Grant yourself grace – we're all works in progress, trying to live in the way God made us to live. We're human, though, and won't always get it right (I promise you that He gets it right). When the time comes that you realize you've gotten it wrong, back up and pray some more, read scripture more, and be patient as you fine-tune your hearing.

Always remember that what you do is for God – how blessed we are when we find the things that give us purpose. It's not as easy to get to that place as we'd like. When we do, after a while it can become old hat and we may lose the reason we're there in the first place. That's when things begin to get tedious. Take the time to re-focus on Jesus.

Again, I totally understand why moving forward can be so difficult. Keep your eyes on the Lord, and you will get to where you want to go!

I hope you enjoy this 4-part series,Living a Life of Purpose where we also take a look at the following:

  • Finding and Focusing on Your Passion
  • Stating Your Strengths
  • What's Holding You Back? | Overcoming Obstacles
  • Moving Forward


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